Geomembrane Liners are used in a variety of applications, such as:
- Landfill lining
To protect the groundwater from contamination.
- Landfills capping
To prevent rainfall entering the landfill, to trap and properly vent the gases generated during decomposition of organic waste and to permit efficient revegetation and restoration of the area.
- Waste-water treatment reservoirs
To protect the groundwater sources or streams.
- Manmade water reservoirs
To collect rain-water conserving the water resources.
- Irrigation canals
To protect canals from erosion and leakage providing safe water transport and storage.
- Agriculture and Aquaculture
To preserve water quality, conserve and protect water recourses.
- Tunnels
To protect the structure against rain water and underground water pressure.
- Earth dams
To stabilize the foundation of the structure.
- Underground insulation of chemical plants, oil production facilities etc.
To prevent chemicals, oil etc. from polluting environment.
- Mining
To prevent leakage of solution ponds recovering more metal and protecting the environment.
- Civil engineering projects
- Evaporation basins